How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Plants
Just follow some of below tips on getting rid of ants on plants. Soon you can solve your ant problem and you will be able to enjoy your ant free garden again :-).
1. Get rid of ants on plant with a trap
You can make an ant trap with a collar out of a piece of paper. Just cut out a circle with at least 8 inches wide. Cut to the center of the circle and then cut a small hole in the center. This small hole should have enough wide to fit loosely round the base of the plant. Rub Vaseline on one side of the paper. Place the collar around the base of plant with the Vaseline side up. As the result, the ants will get stuck in the Vaseline side.
2. Get rid of ants on plant with place ant deterring smells
You can use cinnamon or mint flavored gum or just pour cinnamon powder around the base of plant. These kind of flavors will prevent odor smell ants in flower.
3. Get rid of ants on plants with place ant killing food
There are several recipes around you that can be used for kill the ants that eat it. You may mix an equal amount of sugar and borax or sugar and cornmeal then place the mixture around the base of the plant.
Read more: Organic Homemade Pesticide Recipes and Tips
4. Get rid of ants on plants with remove the ants’ scent trail
Ants can send out scouts to find new sources of food. The ant scouts will leave a scent trail for other ants in order to help other ants to follow to the food. You can use this fact to get rid of ants on plants. Just observe what path which is taking by the ants to get to your plant. Take a cloth then soaked with bleach or ammonia liquid and lay the cloth over the paths as much as possible. Keep in mind that pouring bleach or ammonia directly onto the soil can damage the roots of the plant.
5. Get rid of ants on plants with repellent
Plants like mint, garlic, chrysanthemum, geranium, aster, henbit and calendula are known to deter ants and other garden pests. You may plant these plants in your garden to keep ants away.
4. Get rid of ants on plants with remove the ants’ scent trail
Ants can send out scouts to find new sources of food. The ant scouts will leave a scent trail for other ants in order to help other ants to follow to the food. You can use this fact to get rid of ants on plants. Just observe what path which is taking by the ants to get to your plant. Take a cloth then soaked with bleach or ammonia liquid and lay the cloth over the paths as much as possible. Keep in mind that pouring bleach or ammonia directly onto the soil can damage the roots of the plant.
5. Get rid of ants on plants with repellent
Plants like mint, garlic, chrysanthemum, geranium, aster, henbit and calendula are known to deter ants and other garden pests. You may plant these plants in your garden to keep ants away.