How to Grow Carrots
1. Growing Medium Preparation
Carrots need suitable growing medium such as a looser, lighter soil with perlite mixed in. to make it easier for the roots to straight down and grow long. A more dense soil can cause shorter carrots, stumpy and sometimes growing in odd directions with 2 or 3 legs. If you use a rock or rocky soil then the carrots will grow around them to become crooked and bent. You can buy a ready growing medium in the store but also you can make it by yourself. Jus mix the soil with compost or vermicompost with composition 12:1.
2. Container Preparation
You need containers that are deep enough for carrots and have enough drainage holes in the bottom. You can use any container with more than 12 inches in height, for better result you may use container with depth between 18-24 inches.
3. Planting The Seeds
Input the growing medium into container. Plant your seeds about 2 inches deep and 1-4 inches apart. But please be aware that carrot seeds are very hard to manage. It’s very difficult to see and to count the right amount once the seeds are sprinkled on the soil. If you experience an over-planted too then you’ll need to carefully cut out some of the small ones to leave room for the larger ones to grow. You may use sharp scissors and cut them off at ground level and the root will die and feed the soil while allowing the stronger seedling room to grow. Don’t pull them out since there is the risk of damaging or killing the neighboring sprouts.
4. Plant Care
Carrots prefer the cool temperature, planting in spring or early fall is preferable. Carrots can grow successfully if the temperature between 55 deg – 75 deg F. If you grow carrots in late summer, you need provide a plant shade to reduce the heat from sunlight.
Carrots in containers require watering more often than grows in the ground. You can use mulch to retain moisture and help keep weeds down.
Carrots in container need to fertilize with a balanced nutrition that is light on nitrogen. Too much nitrogen can encourage excessive growth of foliage without carrot formation.
5. Harvesting
Carrots are ready to harvest in 60 to 75 days depending on variety and mature size. You will notice the carrots are ready for harvesting when carrots show rich color and roots reach mature size. Do not leave mature carrots in warm soil any longer since many critters like carrots too but in cool fall soil can be left in the ground longer. You can remove tops to prevent moisture loss, rinse clean, and store the carrots in a refrigerator or cold root cellar. Most varieties can be stored in the fridge for several months.