Vermicompost Vs Compost, Which One Is Better?


Might be you already knew about compost and its usage as organic fertilizer to aid your plants growth. But as a beginner, may be you don’t know exactly what is vermicompost, what is the advantages of vermicompost, and which one is better if we compare vermicompost and compost. If so, then you are in the correct page since this article will give the answer about vermicompost and the advantages of vermicompost against conventional compost.

What is Vermicompost? What is Compost?

Vermicompost is the organic product like soil produced by composting with worms help. Vermicompost consist of worm castings or tail end worm excretions, mucous secretions from worm body walls, and some of composted remains of high lignin materials or other materials that do not break down completely when composting process. Vermicompost can be used as perfect fertilizer to aid plant growth. Vermicomposting is the nature process of making vermicompost.

While compost is the product of composting process that decompose the organic material by microorganism help and not worms.

advantages of vermicompost against compost

The Advantages of Vermicompost Against Compost

So the difference between compost and vermicompost is come from worms. The presence of earthworms in composting process can make perfect fertilizer. Earthworms are used to produce vermicompost as the perfect fertilizer since the worms are the natural workers that have responsibility to decompose the organic materials. The earthworms can select certain useful microorganisms to thrive and eliminate the useless. Earthworms also can produce natural plant enzymes, plant growth hormones, and many other essential substances which are good for your plants.

Here are the advantages of vermicompost against compost:

  1. Vermicompost material has a plenty of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  2. Vermicompost material has less or maybe no pathogen level.
  3. Vermicompost material can protect the plants against pathogens in the surrounding soil much higher.
  4. Vermicompost material can give minerals into surrounding soil faster.
  5. Vermicompost material has no heavy metals which is dangerous to the plants.
  6. Vermicompost can improve soil’s aeration, drainage, water retention, soil stability better.

Compost is good but vermicompost is perfect. It is okay if you want still use compost but it can be better if you start use vermicompost to fertilize your plants. You can make it by yourself or using your own vermicomposting bin.

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