Tips For Growing Watermelon


Almost everybody love watermelon due to fruit has sweet tasty. You can eat it raw, add it into fruit salads or consume as juice. The rind can be used hollowed out as serving bowl or basket. Watermelon is a warm season fruit, it need lots of sunshine during the day and warm condition at nights. 

tips for growing watermelon, how to grow watermelon, how to harvest watermelon

Growing watermelon is not difficult as long as you understand what the best condition to grow this wonderful fruit is. During warmer season, you can grow it in the south. But if you live in the north, you can follow below tips for growing watermelon successfully.
  1. Avoid to planting the seed directly into the soil but you have to start early varieties in the house and plant transplants into the soil.
  2. Use sandy loam soil as growing media. 
  3. The transplanted watermelon seedlings should be planted by themselves 2-3 feet apart and include 7-10 feet between rows.
  4. Give enough space since the plants are vines and need a lot of room.
  5. The plants should be started indoors and then put outside.
  6. Keep the growing area free from weeds. To removing the weeds you can shallow hoeing but be careful to not disturb the roots or cut any shoots off the main plants. 
  7. Make sure to provide enough water and don’t let the plant gets dry and die.
Growing watermelons from start to finish will take about 120 days. How do you know your watermelons are ripe and ready to harvest? Simple, you can find out below signs to make sure:
  • The plant are ripe and ready to harvest when little curly tendrils that start will turn brown and get a little crisp. 
  • The watermelon color will get duller. 
  • The watermelon skin will become resistant to the penetration of your fingernail when you try to press it into the watermelon.
  • Pick one up and turn it over, the watermelon maybe ripe if the bottom where it sits in the soil is yellow.
So there are some tips for growing watermelon as described above. Good luck ...
