Simple Way To Grow Carrot From Carrot Top


There are so many ways to grow carrots that you can find around the world. You can grow carrot in container or in garden. Carrot plants is very beautiful houseplant, especially if the plant has blooming flower. If you love carrot as houseplant to decorate your house then you can grow carrot from carrot top. Growing carrot tops is the easiest way to have carrot houseplant and increase the gardening interest for your kids. You can also reuse your carrot kitchen scraps to grow carrots from carrots.

Please note, this method is only used to grow the carrot plant and not the carrot root which is usually used as vegetable. If you really want root carrot as vegetable then you need to grow carrot from seed since the carrot taproot cannot regrow once we removed it. Carrots will produce flower and seed in about 2 years old. If you are lucky you can get the seed and grow them to get “real carrot”.

3 Ways to Grow Carrot from Carrot Top

1. Growing Carrot Top in Water

Yes you can grow carrot in water. Below is how to grow carrot in water:
  • Just cut about 1-2 inch of the orange root from the top. 
  • Pin toothpick into either side of carrot stump. You will need about 3 toothpicks to balance the carrot position in a glass.
  • Place the carrot into filled glass water and make sure the bottom edge of carrot is immersed by the water. You can use also plastic cup or other container which is available at your home. 
  • Place the container in a light but not receive direct sunlight. 
  • Keep the water touch the bottom edge of carrot.
growing carrot tops, growing carrot from carrot using water, grow carrot in water, grow carrot in paper, grow carrot in sand
Growing Carrots In Sand

2. Growing Carrot Top In Sand

In this way, you still use water but also need layer of marbles or sand as growing medium. You can rooting the carrot until 7 carrot per plate. So below is the step:
  • Cut about 1-2 inches of the carrot root from the top.
  • Fill in the ceramic or glass pie plate with a single layer of marbles or sand.
  • Place the carrot top above the marbles or sand.
  • Fill in the plate with water until reach the top of marbles or sand.
  • Keep the water level, add more whenever the level decrease. 
3. Growing Carrot from Carrot Top Using Newspaper

In this way, you can use several layers of newspaper instead of marbles for sprouting carrot top. Below is the step how to grow carrot from carrot top using newspaper layer:
  • Cut about 1-2 inches of the carrot root from the top. 
  • Place layers of newspaper in the bottom of the plate. 
  • Soak the newspaper using water. 
  • Remove any excessive water. 
  • Place the carrot top on the newspaper. 
  • Keep the newspaper wet.
So there are 3 simple ways to grow carrot top, you can choose one. If successfully, you will see the roots spread and the carrot sprout in a few days. After that, you or your kids can transplant them into container. Good luck!

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