Composting Tomato Plants: Pros, Cons And Tips


Gardening At Home - After the tomatoes gardening season has ended, there will be some old tomato plants left lingering. Many gardener feel that it is important to return the tomato plants to the soil through composting but others feel it is too risky. So there always some pros and cons about composting tomato plants. Here are a few arguments against composting tomato plants and whether you should choose to compost your tomato plants or not. 
reason not to compost tomato plants, reason to compost tomato plants

Reasons not to Compost Tomato Plants

Here are some reasons why many gardeners choose not to compost tomato plants:
1. Composting may not kill all the remaining tomato seeds on the plant.
In this case, tomato plants will be popping up in random places throughout your garden.

2. Composting tomato plants can spreads disease
Many tomato plant diseases such as bacterial canker and fusarium wilt can survive through composting process. They will be an unwelcome visitor and could cause damage in the next year’s garden.

3. Incomplete breakdown in composting tomato plants
Putting large tomato plants in compost piles especially if the pile is not properly managed can also create a problem. Vines may not break down properly, and they can create a mess and an eyesore in the spring or when it comes time to use the compost.

Reasons to Compost Tomato Plants

Gardeners can compost tomato plants as long as the tomato plants don’t have any fungal or bacterial diseases. Spotted wilt virus as well as curly top virus will not survive on a dead tomato plant for long time, so tomato plants with these viruses can be composted.

You need to break the dead tomato plants into smaller pieces before placing them in the compost pile. Keep in mind that proper compost pile management is very essential to breaking down spent tomato plants.

Tips for Composting Tomato Plants

Follow below tips for composting tomato plants in order for a compost pile to do its job:

1. Compost pile needs to be properly layered. The base layer should be organic materials such as garden wastes, small twigs, clipping, etc. The second layer should be fertilizer or starters, animal manure. And the top layer should be soil that will introduce beneficial microorganisms to the compost pile.

2. Keep the compost pile stay moist

3. Keep a constant internal temperature of at least 57 deg C or 135 deg F

4. Turn the compost pile in occasion. Turning the compost pile will add air and mix material, so it can increase the breakdown speed. You need to turn the compost pile when the temperature falls below 110.

So there are pros, cons and tips for composting tomato plants. If you need another tips about composting, You can read also: Tips on Starting a Compost Pile for Your Garden at Home.