Gardening at Home - Herbs are usually added into cuisine to improve the odor and taste. If you love herbs, you can start an herb garden at home. Don’t worry, herbs are very easy to grow even you are beginner. You can grow herbs with soil that drains well, a little fertilizer / compost, some watering and a little sunshine. Herbs can be grown in pots or container, however, the herb plants always prefer to be in the ground where they can spread out. Some herb plants that grow quite large (4-6 feet) will be very unhappy when placed in pots, they become stunted and get stressed. You can start an herb garden indoors and off course outdoors. So here are some herb gardening tips you can follow as beginner at home.
Read more: Growing Herbs in Container at Home
Here are some tips on starting an herb garden at home:
1. Growing Herbs in The Right Place
Growing herbs in the proper location is the key success of herbs gardening. Most herbs prefer full sun as long as regular summer temperatures don't reach above 90 degrees F. If your area has very warm summers, you need to consider planting herbs in area that gets morning sun and afternoon shade in the summertime, or you may grow them in a place that receives filtered light such as under a tree that allows some light to pass through). You need to check the area in several times during the day to make sure that there are at least four hours of sun, for example from 8-12, 12-4; or from 9-11 and 2-4.
2. Planting Herbs
Depending on the plant, you will need approximately 1-4 feet in diameter for each plant for planting herbs. For example: dill, chives, cilantro, parsley will need around 1 foot in diameter; thyme, savory, basils, tarragon will need around 2 feet in diameter; while rosemary, mints, oregano, sage, marjoram will need 3-4 feet in diameter.
3. Harvesting
You may harvest your herbs after the plant reaches at least 6-8 inches tall. Herb harvesting is so simple, you need only cut off about 1/3 of the branches, just cut close to a leaf intersection to stimulate plant growth. Some herb plants such as parsley, grow new leaves from their center, so if this is the case, you need to remove the oldest branches completely, and new tiny branches will grow from the center.
So there are some tips on starting an herb garden at home. Good luck my friend ...
Read more: Growing Herbs in Container at Home
Herbs Gardening Tips
Here are some tips on starting an herb garden at home:
1. Growing Herbs in The Right Place
Growing herbs in the proper location is the key success of herbs gardening. Most herbs prefer full sun as long as regular summer temperatures don't reach above 90 degrees F. If your area has very warm summers, you need to consider planting herbs in area that gets morning sun and afternoon shade in the summertime, or you may grow them in a place that receives filtered light such as under a tree that allows some light to pass through). You need to check the area in several times during the day to make sure that there are at least four hours of sun, for example from 8-12, 12-4; or from 9-11 and 2-4.
2. Planting Herbs
Depending on the plant, you will need approximately 1-4 feet in diameter for each plant for planting herbs. For example: dill, chives, cilantro, parsley will need around 1 foot in diameter; thyme, savory, basils, tarragon will need around 2 feet in diameter; while rosemary, mints, oregano, sage, marjoram will need 3-4 feet in diameter.
- Digg up the compacted soil with a large garden fork loosens soil. This is important to help the plant roots reach down into the soil and allows water to drain.
- Add compost about an inch or so on top of loosens soil.
- Mix them well. Compost can helps prevent drainage problems and adds fertilizer to the garden.
- Now your garden soil is ready and next step is planting the herbs.
- Plant the herbs! If you are beginner, you can start an herb garden with easy to grow herbs.
- Don’t forget to water the herbs. Most herbs like to be watered as soon as the soil gets dry. You need to check the soil moisture by touch them by your fingers before you water them since temperatures and humidity cause drying times to vary every week. Just remember, avoid over-watering since it can lead to diseases and make your herbs less in productivity.
3. Harvesting
You may harvest your herbs after the plant reaches at least 6-8 inches tall. Herb harvesting is so simple, you need only cut off about 1/3 of the branches, just cut close to a leaf intersection to stimulate plant growth. Some herb plants such as parsley, grow new leaves from their center, so if this is the case, you need to remove the oldest branches completely, and new tiny branches will grow from the center.
So there are some tips on starting an herb garden at home. Good luck my friend ...