How to Start a Compost Pile for Garden At Home
There are some common methods to start a compost for garden
at home such as compost heaps, holding, turning units, soil incorporation, and
In this article I will share about heap composting for beginners
which is the easiest and least expensive composting method for most people.
In heap composting method, you may use a compost bin if you
want but actually there is no structure required for this method. Your compost
heap or pile will not appear as tidy and neat as using a bin but you may
camouflage it with fencing or tall flowering plants.
When to Start a Compost Pile for Garden
Actually, you can start a compost pile at any time around the year, but the best time to start a compost pile is in fall season when nitrogen and carbon materials are readily available.
Simple Step to Start a Compost Pile for Garden Using Heap Composting Method
There are 3 simple steps on starting a compost pile at home as follow:First Step to Start a Compost Pile for Garden: Creating Your Compost Heap
a. Location
Location is one of the most important aspects for starting a compost pile. You may choose an open location, level area with good drainage and area with partial sun or shade. Standing water, too much sunlight and too much shade is not good for your compost pile. An area with partial sun or shade is also ideal. You need to choose a location that is easy for you to get to but keep in mind to avoid location near dogs or other meat-eating animals.
b. Size
The recommended size for a compost pile is around 3-5 feet high and wide. Smaller size may not heat up efficiently and larger size become difficult to turn and may hold too much water. It is recommended to start your compost pile on bare ground rather than on asphalt or concrete since it will impedes aeration and inhibits microbes. If you prefer, you may place a pallet underneath the compost pile.
Second Step to Start a Compost Pile for Garden: Adding Organic Materials
Almost organic materials can be composted, except: meat, dairy, fat or oil products; carnivorous pet feces (e.g. cat, dog); diseased plants, or weeds that have seeded; human waste; and charcoal or coal ash (but wood ash is still fine).
The key materials for composting are nitrogen (green materials) and carbon (brown materials). The recommended practice when starting a compost pile is to layer or alternate the browns and greens.
· Start a first layer with about 4-6 inches layer of browns such as straw or twigs (with diameter less than ½ inch).
· Add about 4-6 inches thick layer of greens such as kitchen waste or grass clippings on top of the brown layer.
· You may add animal manure and fertilizers such as activators that can accelerate the heating of your compost pile and provide a nitrogen as source for beneficial microbes.
· Continue to add layers of browns and greens (carbon and nitrogen materials) until you reach the top or run out.
· Water lightly once each layer is added, don’t forget to firm it down but do not compact.
Third Step to Start a Compost Pile for Garden: Watering and Turning the Compost
Keep in mind that your compost pile should be moist, but not soggy. Most of your compost pile will get water from rain as well as from the moisture in green materials. If necessary, you may water them on occasion. If the compost pile gets too wet, you may add more brown materials to absorb excess moisture or you can turn it more frequently to dry it.
Once you turn the compost pile in the first time, all materials will get mixed together and make composting process more efficiently. To keep good aeration and speed up decomposition, you need to turn the compost pile on a frequent basis.
So there are simple tips on starting a compost pile for your garden at home. Good luck ..
Read also: How to Make Compost Tea at Home