Top 7 Easy to Grow Vegetables For Beginners


Maybe you have dream of having your own home grown foods, but don’t know where to start? Or you want to start a vegetable garden at home but not sure which vegetables are easy to grow Don’t worry there are so many easy to grow vegetables and suit any gardens size. You can find the seeds or plants of speedy vegetables and fast growing at garden center around you. 

Easy to Grow Vegetables for Beginners

Here are the top 7 easy to grow vegetables even you are beginner:

Easy to Grow Vegetable #1: Lettuce and Other Salad Green Leaves

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Lettuce is vegetable that easy to grow and easy to harvest, you just snip the tops off the lettuce plants or just pick leaves as needed. It grows quickly and takes up very little space. Try sowing lettuce and other salad green leaves throughout the summer months and you will pick the fresh leaves for your salads just 3 weeks later. They will continue growing so you can harvest them more than one time. They can be grown in containers or you can try grow a hydroponic lettuce at home.

Easy to Grow Vegetable #2: Tomatoes

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Tomato plants are so easy to grow even for kids. You can grow tomato plants in hanging baskets or other containers or any place they will get lots of sun and have support for their stalks. You can choose a bush variety like ‘Cherry Cascade’ since this varieties don’t require training or side-shooting so you only need to water and feed them. You can grow tomatoes from cuttings, seeds or just buy the plants at garden center.

Easy to Grow Vegetable #3: Spring onions and Radishes

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Both vegetables are so quick and easy to grow. Only need around 20 days to reach full size of radishes. You can spice up your salads with spring onions and peppery radish. You may grow onions and radishes in pots or sow them directly into the ground. Don’t forget to water them before the soil dries out and you will get crispy and spicy radishes.

Easy to Grow Vegetable #4: Potatoes

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Potatoes as root vegetables are easy to grow at home. You can plant potatoes in containers or potato bags that are only part filled with growing medium during late February and March. You can add more compost or growing medium when the green shoots begin to appear above the medium / soil as you need to cover them. Repeat this until the container / bag is full and then you only need remember to just water them. Around 10 - 20 weeks later, the foliage starts to yellow and die back, this is the harvest time.

Easy to Grow Vegetables #5: Peas

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Peas are easy to grow vegetables, a trouble free crop and enjoy cooler weather. Just sow pea seeds directly into the ground from March to June so can harvest sweet flavor of fresh picked peas from June to August. Don’t forget to provide support for their stems such as wire.

Easy to Grow Vegetable #6: Green Beans

All sorts of green beans are ideal for home gardens. There are hundreds of bean varieties to choose from. Bush types require less space compared to vine type. Both types are easy to grow from seeds, they prefer full sun and well-drained soil.

Easy to Grow Vegetable #7: Carrots

top 7 easy to grow vegetables for beginners, easy vegetables to grow, fast growing vegetable, easy growing vegetables

Whole carrots are easy to grow in container as well as in the ground. But remember they might not grow very large especially if you have rocky soil. Carrots prefer deep and well-drained soil, full sun but can tolerate light shade too. Growing carrots in a raised bed is a good idea. 

So there are top 7 easy to grow vegetables for beginner. Just pick one your favorite and try to grow it at home to start a vegetable garden at home. Good luck!

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